«Academy of hospitality» opened its doors
«Academy of hospitality» specializes in training and retraining of specialists of hotel service, tourism and other promising areas.
For several months, a project was developed to create the "Academy of hospitality", where everyone will be able to learn high standards of service and business in the hotel industry.

The mission of the Association and the Academy is to create a system of professional development and retraining of specialists for the hotel business and service, in accordance with international standards.

Our goal is to support the development of the Uzbek economy and the country's integration into the world economic community.

Increase of professional and personal potential of specialists of the hotel enterprise, development of corporate culture.

Implementation of retraining and advanced training of employees of hotel business and service.

"We know one of the main tasks of management - to reveal talents, so we decided to raise their colleagues and partners on their own! We want not only to train, but also to give an opportunity for each employee to develop personally, for the benefit of the company and the industry" - Chairman of the Hoteliers Association Abdullayeva F. A. emphasized.

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Yunusabad district., Hushnavo street, 13
Zip code 100009, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Telephone: +998 97 144 48 46, +998 97 144 48 47